Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Yee gads! I need to get here more than once a week. I'm trying to get this post done quick and off to bed since the morning drive doesn't sound too pretty. Ugh. I'm so over the snow thing - once Christmas is over, I don't want anymore and we've had more than usual it seems. I'm behind on the LOAD but still plugging along. Got one done tonight I'll try to upload but not sure how to do that. I could really use a snow day!

Keeping up on my 366 photos challenge okay though. I need to find or get a little point and shoot though because right now all my photos are from home pretty much because my camera is just too big to lug sometimes.

Going to the wrestling match tomorrow - hopefully get some sort of photo there so it doesn't look like I never leave the house!

Okay, I figured out the one photo - I'll try to add another I've done and catch up on posting them a little at a time.

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