Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One of these things is not like the other......

It's a big day in our household. It's a day 3 years, yes, 3 YEARS!, in the making. I'm pretty happy about it. There's at least one person in the household happier than I am. Can you guess what it is?


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday! Woo-hoo!

I don't know why shorter school weeks always seem as long or longer than normal ones. Maybe because the kids try to pack everything into the days that they have? I don't know. All I do know is that I'm constantly frozen everywhere I go lately. I took an old sweatshirt to school today to wear over my long sleeved sweater after lunch. I'm always freezing then. Then I came home and covered up with an old comforter to watch a little TV. Now I am on here and my feet are freezing and my arms have goosebumps. I am so over winter! I could get in the hot tub and warm up but I don't want to have to get out into the cold. (It's on a 3 season, unheated, non-insulated porch and it's presently about 9 degrees outside. Brrrr!) It is supposed to warm up to 35 this weekend and over 40 on Monday. I might be able to unthaw a bit.

My DMACC class is kicking my butt. I knew it would be a lot of writing but I don't think I knew how much work it would really be. I should have taken it in the summer when my job is easier but it's too late now. Argh. I have to interview a peer this weekend and write up the interview, have him review it, then have another peer review it, make revisions along the way and have the final to the teacher by Feb. 2nd, I think. I gotta get my questions to him tomorrow at the latest. Ugh.

So needless to say, I've completely fallen off the LOAD wagon. *sigh* I was so excited too. But I do have a lot of pages mapped out in my head or at least inspiration started for them. So hopefully I will get some things done soon. I am keeping up on the 366 pics for the year though. I think it will document how boring my life really is. :-)

Well, off to formulate questions!

Monday, January 21, 2008

She said......

Last week I took Macy and Brady with me to Hobby Lobby for buttons and maybe to look at scrapbooks to see if they were 50% off. They weren't but paper was 5/$1 so I had to buy 119 sheets. I tried to buy 120 but I lost count. And I also bought 31 sheets of 8 1/2 x 11 too because I can't apparently count to 32 either. But as I was picking out my 60, er, 59 sheets of cardstock, Macy felt the need to tell me, "Mom, you have some really white highlights in your hair." Um, that'd be gray....thanks so much.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Yee gads! I need to get here more than once a week. I'm trying to get this post done quick and off to bed since the morning drive doesn't sound too pretty. Ugh. I'm so over the snow thing - once Christmas is over, I don't want anymore and we've had more than usual it seems. I'm behind on the LOAD but still plugging along. Got one done tonight I'll try to upload but not sure how to do that. I could really use a snow day!

Keeping up on my 366 photos challenge okay though. I need to find or get a little point and shoot though because right now all my photos are from home pretty much because my camera is just too big to lug sometimes.

Going to the wrestling match tomorrow - hopefully get some sort of photo there so it doesn't look like I never leave the house!

Okay, I figured out the one photo - I'll try to add another I've done and catch up on posting them a little at a time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Whoo hoo! Middle of the week already. Nothing too exciting today ~ make a quick Tar-jay run tonight to get a new book (Plum Lucky), some zip tie things to organize all the cords for Ipods, cell phones, etc., of course found a couple things I needed in the dollar section - 3 pairs of Valentine-y socks, scrapbook stuff - got a basket also for the top of the fridge to organize the crap that ends up there like my trash bags, ziploc bags and foil stuff. Hate not having enough/well planned out cupboard space.

Scott and the kids are playing cards, I'm typing this quick and then hopefully off to organize some more things like my papers for my BPS class, my DMACC class, etc. Bought some binders that I can slip a custom cover into at the store tonight too + got 4 more yesterday at Walgreens. I am in it to win it with this organizing thing! I plan one notebook for the GOBI class at BPS, one for Stacy's Big Picture class when it starts, one for my DMACC class, one for my other craft patterns that are in a yucky binder now, one for my pagemaps/sketches and one for my household binder thing I plan to set up. Whoo-hoo!

I'm going to get this stuff done and maybe GET INVOLVED in this game in the next room.

Monday, January 7, 2008

First Post

I have kept up on the other blog okay so I thought I'd jump over here to the big kids playhouse! I'll post more tomorrow, just getting this set up now.