Monday, December 1, 2008

December 1

I am so excited! It is the little things in life that I need to embrace - things like I am doing a December daily album (a la Ali Edwards) and I got it nearly completed in time to start today AND I got my first page done today. I also signed up for Shimelle's Journal your Christmas and got that first page almost done today - just need to do a bit of embellishing. I realize the 2 may be redundant, but I'm hoping together I'll do a good job of documenting life right now and my Christmas memories. Truth be told, I don't remember much about Christmas as a kid, so hopefully this will refresh my memory. I just need to finish the cover of my DD album - need some stronger adhesive for a 3D accent I found and liked - and I am short ONE page of having enough for all 1-25 days. I did stop at Christmas, but I can add more if needed. I am doing hand journaling and it is a 6 x 8 album I made myself with some binder rings and chipboard, with just PP for the pages. I don't branch out like that so I am proud! For the Shimelle class, I am doing 8 1/2 x 11 pages, mostly computer journalling as I expect it to be more writing intensive. Sort of hybrid pages, if you will. Here is the photo I used for the first page - taken tonight in the dark, bulb setting on my camera, camera on computer desk and I pushed the shutter and held really, really still, holding my breath until it was closed. I really need to replace my tripod. LOL