Monday, February 18, 2008

Catchin' up

I would like to state for the record that I am DONE with winter. UGH! So over it. I am tired of being freezing cold all the time and walking like a penguin because I'm afraid I will fall. I'm tired of my kids wanting to go outside all the time and having to explain that it is subzero wind chill and they can't go out. I'm tired of being tired and cranky because I get no sunshine. I'm just plain over it.

I'm making spaghetti for dinner as we speak. Gotta put new cartridges in the printer and help Tiff with her science project after dinner. She thought it was due next Tuesday and unfortunately, it's tomorrow. :-( I want to scrap after dinner but I don't know yet again if I'll get to. Need to get laundry done, need to clean the house in general. Argh.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Macy at the hop

Big day last Friday - first dance for Macy. The theme was at the hop and she had a great time. Borrowed vintage saddle shoes from grandma, bought a costume cheap off the internet and had a great time. She learned how to Crank that Soldja Boy and all.


It started yesterday morning when Scott took the dogs out in the morning. Bailey slipped on the ice and totally messed up her back legs. She has been going downhill for at least a couple years now - vet said she had arthritis and she was having a hard time going downstairs for awhile now. She still had some kick in her but this really hurt her bad. We tried yesterday to baby her through but eventually she was not able to walk at all, so we made the decision last night to have her put to sleep this morning. It was hard, but watching her like that was hard too. We didn't tell the kids before school (not my idea, but it was okay). Big kids took it okay, Macy cried awhile and Brady just wants to know when we can get a new dog. Macy says she doesn't want another dog, because then this will just "happen over and over." So sad to hear her so upset too. I've teared up a few times today, and cried myself to sleep last night. We had Bailey longer than 3 of our kids! Scott found her on the side of the road as a pup in 1995 and here we are in 2008. That's pretty long for a lab, especially a hunter that jumps out of boats and into the frigid water to retrieve. Here's my girl - she was such a good dog. Edit: we already have one dog, Malley is a 2 year old lab we deliberately got so we wouldn't be dogless when Bailey was gone. Brady wants another dog. Not right now.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Checkin' in

Just a quick update on life here! We went to Eric and Amy's for a Super Bowl party today/tonight - had a lot of fun there! We all brought snacky foods, gave Eric and Wendy b-day gifts, played a game Smart Ass or something like that, watched the game and commercials. Laughed a ton!

My DMACC paper isn't due now until Thursday, I guess. I signed on tonight to send it and now it's not due. Hopefully my partner will get my review done and sent to me now. I was going to submit without it because I refuse to be late with it.

I need to get off to bed here soon. I wish for a snow/weather day but have no hopes of it! Gots lots to do this week - hopefully check in sometime!