Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A New Venture

I'm trying something new - I got the idea from the Big Picture Scrapbooking Class I'm taking with Elizabeth Dillow called "Red Letter Days". I found a site (several actually) with different holidays, birthdays and such for each day fo the year. I'm going to try to post on some of these and just get thoughts out. Some of them will be serious, some funny and some just because. I think some of them will be nice to use for journaling someday. Some of them I will write ahead of time and some that day.

So today ~ October 1 ~ is World Vegetarian Day and the start of Vegetarian Month. I had originally considered trying to eat as a vegetarian on today when I first came up with this idea. But I had already eaten lunch when I remembered and I had a cheeseburger. Ooops. If I did eat as a vegetarian, it would be due to a preference and not a belief in animal rights or such. I actually was very near a vegetarian at one point. I ate very little chicken and fish and no red meat. I just don't like the taste of it as much. I could easily elimate all but fish and chicken, but sometimes, like recently ~ a burger or steak just sounds good. My mom always says it's my body trying to tell me something, like I'm low on iron or something, and maybe she's right? I could do some research on it.

In other news, I'm trying to scrap more again. Summer was rough on me and I was in a couple contests online that made me stressed about scrapping. One of them didn't go well at all ~ but the other was okay. I was not nearly the scrapper most of the other participants were, but at least people were friendly there. I am trying to embrace white space more.

My BPS class with Cathy Zielske starts tomorrow and I can't wait.

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