Sunday, March 2, 2008

Quiet Sunday

I've been working around the house today, trying to get some sort of organizing done. I just really wish I was born with that gene, but unfortunately, no. I got a couple bags of the girls old clothes ready for the DAV and hope to get one more before the day is done. We're having dinner here tonight with Dixie. Steak, baked potato and salad. Crap, reminds me I was supposed to go out this afternoon and get the salad dressing because all we have right now is French. Blech. Well, maybe a quick trip to the store will be next.

I've doing a bit of scrapping - trying to stay in the DW2008 challenge on 2peas. Got my 4 projects done for the month in the nick of time on Friday. Three were done earlier in the week but the last was a mad dash. Ah well, I like them and they are pages scrapped, ya know. I need to figure out how many I have done so far this year and keep track from now on so I know how I do.

Also joined a new message board that has lots of challenges. Looks like a fun group, we will see how it goes. I just need that extra push to get going I think. And I've found the joy of online ordering lately too. Ergh. My cc balance doesn't appreciate it but I think I've done okay with keeping it "reasonable". I got some new foam stamps after I found some that I LOVE at HL on their sale one week. I got some new BG paper pre-ordered that should be here shortly too.

Hope to keep up better here, didn't mean to disappear. Once spring is finally here, maybe I'll be more in the mood to post. Snow and cold makes me crabby. Lots of melting this w/e but another 4 - 6" expected tonight. Seriously.

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