Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Whoo hoo! Middle of the week already. Nothing too exciting today ~ make a quick Tar-jay run tonight to get a new book (Plum Lucky), some zip tie things to organize all the cords for Ipods, cell phones, etc., of course found a couple things I needed in the dollar section - 3 pairs of Valentine-y socks, scrapbook stuff - got a basket also for the top of the fridge to organize the crap that ends up there like my trash bags, ziploc bags and foil stuff. Hate not having enough/well planned out cupboard space.

Scott and the kids are playing cards, I'm typing this quick and then hopefully off to organize some more things like my papers for my BPS class, my DMACC class, etc. Bought some binders that I can slip a custom cover into at the store tonight too + got 4 more yesterday at Walgreens. I am in it to win it with this organizing thing! I plan one notebook for the GOBI class at BPS, one for Stacy's Big Picture class when it starts, one for my DMACC class, one for my other craft patterns that are in a yucky binder now, one for my pagemaps/sketches and one for my household binder thing I plan to set up. Whoo-hoo!

I'm going to get this stuff done and maybe GET INVOLVED in this game in the next room.

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