Friday, June 6, 2008

Raindrops keep fallin' on my.....floor?

Yeah, loads of fun here. Little water problem in the basement last night with the deluge of rain we got. I heard 2 inches in an hour and I think it could have been more - I know it was 4 inches total overnight. Our window wells have a tendency to fill up because of our big hill in the back, plus the neighbors driveway drains towards our house and he also has a lovely downspout pointed in the exact worst direction that Scott is going to talk to him about. Anyway, the sirens went off at 10 p.m. last night and then again around 12:30, I think. That's when I got these pics. It was actually coming in much worse than this, like a literal waterfall but I only thought later to take the pics and it was slowing down then. I tried to get a picture of the street out front with the river going down it but I couldn't get one to come out.

Going to the Meadows tonight (for the 5th Friday in a row). Sometimes we win and sometimes we don't, but we have fun anyway. Woot!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3

Finally feeling pretty good. I didn't take any cold medicine today and made it through the day - whoo-hoo!!

Still no scrappiness to show, but that's okay. Busy day at work today, even if no one was there really. Got 5th grade records out to 2 middle schools via my car, one more via bag mail. The other two remaining records will go out in bag mail as they are going out of district. Then a few kiddos leaving that are in other grades and I can rotate all the other files to their respective places. It's actually going to be a busy few weeks before my vacation starts for a week on June 13 - I have to get the records moved, all the supplies ordered for next year, clean off my desk!, archive all the financial and student info sheets, figure out who has enrolled and who hasn't. Plus more, that's just off the top of my head. Seriously my desk could take me 2 days alone. Ordering will take probably a day - it's alot of supplies, archiving and shredding another day. Eeep. I will get interrupted alot too, plus I think I have 2 days of training next week that they have yet to tell me what day to show up on. Ay yi yi!

Took tables with Michelle to Amy's for the garage sale they are having this weekend. Stopped at Baskin Robbins on the way home to check it out. Had a dish of rainbow sherbet and some other concoction of sherbet too. It was grape and green apple and had Pop Rocks in it. I'm sure it was marketed to 6 year olds rather than 36 year olds, but it was fun to eat.

Finals are done tomorrow - little kids were done today. They are excited for summer and playing with friends, swimming and such. I'm thinking of entering in the fair, something to challenge myself anyway. I have a couple pics I think would be good to enter, we will see how that goes though - usually I back out or think of it too late. It'd be a kick to something I did there, though - dreaming on....

Monday, June 2, 2008

June 2

Woot! Back again!

Feeling marginally better on the cold front. I actually think I'll be able to sleep tonight (hope, hope). Today was the last day for staff at school. Busy busy! Went to lunch with the nurse and dean of students and enjoyed finally being able to sit leisurely at lunch and converse!! Usually we are all cramming in lunch with kids running around. I truly can't guess how few days I have gone to lunch and actually left the office, instead of eating at my desk. And even rarer - left the building!

No scrapping done last night, but maybe tonight as Scott is going to poker with his mom (that sounds funny, doesn't it?) I'm homebound with the kids, doing some laundry, cleaning our bedroom and getting settled in for the night.

I did get to Archiver's yesterday and bought some fun stuff, mostly from the "Hot deals" aisle or whatever it's called. And some grungeboard, too. Hoping to have something to show for it later.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June 1

I am initiating a challenge with myself about blogging and today is the first step. So here I am!

I am recovering from a cold, still feeling yucky but not much to do about it. And this morning I had a teensy episode of vertigo - something I've struggled with before but haven't had much problem with for a couple years. I am worried about that - 2 years ago in June was horrible - Scott was in Canada and I was home with the 3 youngest kids, passed out on Meclizine(sp) and non-functional. Today was just a little spell, so hopefully it's not back full force. I'm sure it is from the pressure in my ears from the cold.

I have one more day with teachers and then they are gone for the summer. The kids left Friday. My own kids have classes until Tuesday (littles) and Wednesday (bigs).

I hope to get some scrapping done tonight, maybe a trip to Archiver's today when Scott goes to Scheel's. We'll see how I feel. Ugh.